Launching extraordinary artistic careers
The Jette Parker Young Artist Program is an apprenticeship program which fosters the talents of gifted young dancers at the start of their professional careers.

This Program allows dancers from Australia and around the world to access elite training designed to refine their technique and gain valuable industry knowledge before becoming company artists. Through performance opportunities and world-class mentoring, this introduction to a professional dance career allows dancers to soar in years to come.
Jette Parker Young Artists often move seamlessly into Queensland Ballet as company artists, and other alumni have secured contracts with international and Australian ballet companies.
Jette Parker Young Artist Program and Oak Foundation
In 2014, Alan and Jette Parker of Oak Foundation, Geneva, offered a visionary, multi-year grant which enabled us to establish Queensland Ballet’s Jette Parker Young Artist Program. The condition of Oak’s pledge was that we match the funding with Australian philanthropy. Donors who support the Jette Parker Young Artist Program contribute to the required match-funding, ensuring that Queensland Ballet can continue to offer this exceptional dancer training program.
Now, our Jette Parker Young Artists seize opportunities to learn and explore their profession. They are encouraged to grow and mature into capable, artistically vibrant dancers with the knowledge and skills to sustain a satisfying and creative career.
How to support the Jette Parker Young Artist Program
For a minimum donation of $25,000, Jette Parker Young Artist Program supporters are welcomed into an exclusive group of like-minded arts lovers who are deeply inspired by young talent and developing their potential. During the year, we are pleased to provide updates on the Program and opportunities to get to know our Jette Parker Young Artists.
We welcome a conversation with you about your support for this Program. Please contact our Development Team on +61 7 3013 6660 or email
#Discover more
Neneka Yoshida
Read the story of Neneka Yoshida as a Jette Parker Young Artist, before becoming Principal Artist
Georgia Swan
Read how Georgia Swan made her way through the ranks at Queensland Ballet, including the Jette Parker Young Artist Program.
Callum Mackie
Read how Callum began his ballet journey, dancing through the Jette Parker Young Artist Program and beyond.