Jobs at
Queensland Ballet
Dreaming of making a difference in the arts community? Consider applying for a job at Queensland Ballet.

#Current vacancies
Regional Teaching Artist - Mackay
The Regional Teaching Artist role delivers Queensland Ballet’s early years dance program for children aged 2-5 years old, across various locations in the Mackay region, as well as Dance Health classes with the Mackay Hospital and Health Service, and Ballet Serene classes in aged care homes across the region.
Principal Cutter
Full time
The Principal Cutter plays a key role in the creation of Queensland Ballet’s costumes by developing precise
patterns based on the interpretation of designs provided by Costume Designers and Stylists.
General expressions of interest
If you would like to work among people who are committed to our vision of connecting people and dance across Queensland, please feel free to email your CV.
#Discover more
The company
Learn more about the Queensland Ballet vision, people and facilities.
Be inspired and browse through Queensland Ballet's current and past artistic seasons.
Dance auditions
Looking to become a professional dancer at Queensland Ballet? Learn more about our audition process and when you're able to register.