Supporting the Stars of Tomorrow: The Ergon Energy and Energex Scholarship Fund

Supporting the Stars of Tomorrow

The Ergon Energy and Energex Scholarship Fund

​Queensland Ballet and Queensland Ballet Academy would like to extend a sincere thank you to Ergon Energy and Energex for enabling talented young dancers to pursue their dreams.

2024 marks the 10th year Ergon Energy and Energex have offered their scholarship fund, allowing aspiring young dancers to access world class training through Queensland Ballet Academy's Pre-Professional Program.

The fund has already helped alleviate the burden of financial constraints for over 60 students, allowing them to commit their full focus and energy to their art. This singular focus, combined with the highest- calibre training and development offered by the Pre-Professional Program, has seen over 28% of scholarship recipients join the Queensland Ballet Company, with many others enjoying careers elsewhere in Australia and abroad.

Recently, we caught up with scholarship alumni who were keen to share their stories and messages of gratitude. It quickly became apparent the scholarship has had a profound impact on each and every dancer’s journey, and it was clear that the skills developed, and community they cultivated in their time with the Pre-Professional Program, are still valued and used today. Support like this really does change lives.

The diversity and depth of talent amongst alumni, and their stories of success are a testament to Ergon Energy and Energex, and Queensland Ballet and Academy’s shared vision to nurture and empower the artists of tomorrow.

Luke DiMattina, 2017 Scholarship recipient

Luke DiMattina, 2017 Scholarship recipient

Queensland Ballet First Company Artist

Image by David Kelly: Luke DiMattina in Kenneth MacMillan’s Elite Syncopations

The Ergon Energy and Energex Scholarship was particularly helpful to me as I moved interstate to join Queensland Ballet Academy's Pre-Professional Program. Moving away from home at 17 and navigating a new chapter of life, in a new city, without my parents was initially daunting. However, with the help of the scholarship I was able to adjust to the changes and expenses of living away from home with less financial stress on me and my family.

The Pre-Professional Program bridges the gap between dance student and professional dancer in just a year. This is a feat in itself as most post-school full-time ballet training programs are roughly three years. The program gave me plenty of opportunities to train and perform alongside Queensland Ballet Company which provided a great insight into what it would be like to have a career as a professional dancer.

Since joining the company in 2018, I’ve had the opportunity to perform dream roles such as Puck in Liam Scarlett’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the ballets of other world-renowned choreographers like Jiri Kylian, Kenneth MacMillan, Jack Lister, and Christopher Bruce to name a few. Along the way I’ve made some amazing friends and lifelong connections.

Scholarships like the Ergon Energy and Energex Scholarship Fund are so important because they give people a chance to pursue their dreams - as I have been lucky enough to - without as much financial strain. I’m incredibly grateful to Energex for kick starting my career with QB! Thank you!

(In 2024, after outstanding performances in the leading role of Puck in Liam Scarlett’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Luke was promoted to First Company Artist).

Samuel Packer, Scholarship recipient 2015

Samuel Packer, Scholarship recipient 2015

Queensland Ballet Company Dancer, current Queensland Ballet Technical Coordinator

Image by David Kelly

Having Ergon Energy and Energex’s generous support in my final year of dance training was invaluable. Our rigorous 9am to 6pm training schedule made it near impossible to find part-time work. Generally, the only option for students was to work overnight replenishing shelves in supermarkets which exhausted you before your next day of intensive training.

The financial support provided by the scholarship alleviated this stress for me and my family, enabling me to take on another year of essential training with complete focus.

I’ve now worked at Queensland Ballet for almost nine years both as a dancer and more recently in the technical department. This has been possible thanks to Ergon Energy and Energex’s subsidisation of my final year of training in the Pre-Professional Program. In my seven-year dance career I performed a variety of repertoire and memorable roles and was able to maintain a close relationship with the Academy and the faculty.

I have now moved to the technical department at Queensland Ballet and although I no longer perform as a dancer, and I am still using all the knowledge and discipline that I gained through the Pre-Professional Program, and I am extremely grateful for the support I received from Ergon Energy and Energex. Thank you for enabling me to be the person I am today.

Hana Nonaka Aillon, 2022 Scholarship recipient

Hana Nonaka Aillon, 2022 Scholarship recipient

Jette Parker Young Artist with Queensland Ballet 2023, Norwegian National Ballet 2024

Image by David Kelly

The Ergon Energy and Energex Scholarship came at a pivotal moment in my ballet career. I received the scholarship as I was heading into my final year of training at the Queensland Ballet Academy, a time that was both exciting and daunting as a young dancer. The transition from student to professional is filled with uncertainty and securing a job can feel overwhelming.

This scholarship provided not only financial support but also a much-needed boost of confidence that I could succeed in this demanding field.

In 2023, I had the privilege of joining Queensland Ballet as a Young Artist, an experience that was truly invaluable. It was my first taste of life in a professional company, and it allowed me to grow both as a technician and as an artist. Being surrounded by such talented dancers was incredibly inspiring, and it deepened my love for and commitment to ballet.

At the start of 2024, I took a significant leap in my career and joined the Norwegian National Ballet as a company member. It has been an incredible journey so far, with the repertoire, facilities, staff, and fellow dancers all contributing to an enriching experience.

Living in Oslo, my first time away from home, has been both challenging and rewarding, but I felt well-prepared to take this step thanks to the foundation laid during my time at Queensland Ballet and the Academy.

Oslo has become a very special place for me, and I feel I've grown immensely, as a person and artist, through the challenges and triumphs I've encountered. I am excited for what the future holds and deeply grateful for the support that helped me reach this stage in my career.

Renee Freeman, Scholarship recipient 2018

Renee Freeman, Scholarship recipient 2018

Queensland Ballet Company Dancer

Image by Jack Martin

Receiving the Ergon Energy and Energex Scholarship as I was completing my training at Queensland Ballet was a huge help for me and my family. Without it I probably would have had to take out a student loan which as we all know can linger far into the future.

At such a crucial time in my life the support enabled me to focus on my future and helped me begin a challenging career with one less thing to worry about. The Pre-Professional Program prepared me so well for professional life with Queensland Ballet, so being able to access the program through financial assistance was life changing.

The ballet industry is extremely tough as it is and when we consider the financial side, it can sometimes seem impossible. Scholarships like this play such an important role in a lot of young dancers' journeys and I am so grateful that includes me as I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.

Max Jones, 2021 Scholarship recipient

Max Jones, 2021 Scholarship recipient

Company Dancer, Junior Ballet Zurich

Image by Angharad Gladding

The Ergon Energy and Energex Scholarship I received whilst attending Queensland Ballet Academy has been instrumental in my journey to Ballet Zurich. The generous support allowed me to focus on my training and development, easing the financial burdens that come with pursuing a career as a professional ballet dancer. Thanks to this scholarship, I was able to dedicate myself fully to honing my skills and seizing opportunities that have ultimately led me to the international stage with Ballet Zurich.

The financial support also allowed me to save for a European audition tour, the first stop being Zurich (I was offered a job on my first audition!), as well as prepare for the move abroad, which eased quite a lot of stress. I am deeply grateful for the encouragement and belief in my potential that this scholarship represents.

Rowan Schratzberger, 2020 Scholarship recipient

Rowan Schratzberger, 2020 Scholarship recipient

Freelance Dancer in Europe

Image by Christophe Bernard: Rowan lifting fellow dancer in Ballet Avignon’s ‘Olympiad’ choreographed by Kor'sia

Receiving the Ergon Energy and Energex Scholarship during my first year in the Pre-Professional Program reduced the financial pressures of full-time dance training. This meant no more past midnight shifts at a burger restaurant after a full day of dancing, allowing me to better focus on and maximise the training I was receiving at Queensland Ballet Academy.

The Pre-Professional Program was a great launchpad for my career. For the past two and a half years I have been based in Europe, where I worked with a project-based company in Biarritz, France, danced in a contemporary Swan Lake in a Castle Festival in Germany, and recently completed a contract with Ballet Avignon in the South of France.

During my time at Queensland Ballet Academy, I also had the opportunity to choreograph my first dance piece, which sparked a deep interest in choreography—a passion I will continue to explore.

I have been accepted into l'Association pour la Création et l'Émergence dans les Arts Chorégraphies Emerging Choreographer Incubator Program (based in France), which will support the creation of my own piece in the upcoming year.

I am thankful to Ergon Energy and Energex for supporting the development of my dance career and hope this support can continue for the future professional dancers of Australia.

Edison Manuel, 2020 Scholarship recipient

Edison Manuel, 2020 Scholarship recipient

Queensland Ballet Company Dancer

Image by David Kelly: Edison as Franz in Greg Horsman’s Coppelia

Receiving the Ergon Energy and Energex Scholarship was pivotal in supporting my journey through Queensland Ballet Academy and ultimately into a professional dance career. I had dreamt of one day joining Queensland Ballet as a professional dancer and receiving the quality training offered at the Academy was crucial to this.

The Queensland Ballet Academy Pre-Professional Program acts as a platform for young dancers to begin a professional career. The scholarship, which I received during this program, allowed me to continue developing my skills and artistry under the nurturing direction of industry leaders. The support helped me through the final steps in my training and as I transformed them into the beginning of a career.

Financial assistance is invaluable to young dancers, particularly as many move away from home at such a young age.

Whilst learning to be independent and completing academic studies alongside ballet training, I was beyond grateful to have the support to further enrich these experiences and aid in getting the most out of my training and eventual career. With the backing of Ergon Energy and Energex I have already had such a vibrant start to my professional working life at Queensland Ballet.

(Edison Manuel performed his first principal role, The Prince, in Ben Stevenson’s The Nutcracker in 2023, his first year as a Company Artist).

Mia Paske, 2024 Scholarship recipient

Mia Paske, 2024 Scholarship recipient

Current Queensland Ballet Academy Pre-Professional Student

Image by David Kelly: Mia Paske

I’d like to express my gratitude for Ergon Energy and Energex’s generosity with this scholarship. From my first moments with Queensland Ballet Academy I felt at home, and my passion for ballet has grown with every experience that I have been given here. As a young interstate student, being accepted into the Pre-Professional Program felt like something that was out of reach so to be moving forward into the second year of the program feels quite surreal, but I am so excited to be able to continue building on my technical and artistic skills.

After spending a year training in the same building as the company, I can wholeheartedly say that this has been an invaluable experience to assist in preparing me for professional life in the ballet industry. The lessons, experiences, and performance opportunities the Pre-Professional Program has offered me are irreplaceable - another incredible year of learning. Thank you, Ergon Energy and Energex, for helping to enable this.

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Queensland Ballet Academy offers professional ballet and dance training, designed to nurture the young dancers of today into the world-class artists of tomorrow.


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We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and perform. Long before we performed on this land, it played host to the dance expression of our First Peoples. We pay our respects to their Elders — past, present and emerging — and acknowledge the valuable contribution they have made and continue to make to the cultural landscape of this country.

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